Monday, April 03, 2006

Gunner Surprise

I sit behind the biggest gunner in the 1L class in Con Law...this unfortunate occurace resulted from him picking his seat after me. hasn't been so bad because when the prof's attention is aimed at our section of the class...he usually has his hand up anyway.

Now this guy is always throwing his 2 cents in...but he does have some nontraditional gunner qualities. First, he frequently shows up to class late...but i think this is because he has small children. (I know this because he has their picture on his screen saver.)

Anyway...I was completely and utterly shocked when I happened to glance down at his HUGE computer screen and realized he was playing GOLF on his computer duing Con Law.
The shock almost made me make a verbal noise.

Apparently even gunners are bored in Con Law.

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