Thursday, September 06, 2007

Career What?

So i decided to contact the career services yesterday. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking. I had been there exactly 2 times previously. This was to follow up on an email I sent to them last week that was never answered. at all. not even with a courtesy "hey i'm busy but i'll get back to ya.

So I'm standing there waiting and this kid walks up asking me where 2 specific career services ladies are. and I look at him and say "i don't know the differece between the ladies." He looks at me a little strangely, so i say--obviously I don't come here much.

He laughs and asks "So are you a 1L?". LOL--and I laugh--heartily. And I tell him, "No, I'm a 3L." and he looks kinda shocked.

So I guess after ignoring career services for nearly 3 years--they are now ignoring me.


1 comment:

LawSchoolBlogger said...

I've kinda ignored career services too, but for whatever reason, the career services lady LOVES me.