Sunday, December 09, 2007

I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas

I heard that on the way back down here today....and it is definitely in my top 5 Christmas songs. Its just so happy and funny and you can just imagine how excited the kid would be to get the hippo.2 exams left--Bis Org fun tomorrow. I didn't like that class all hopefully it works out. Then my last exam on SATURDAY! What is that??? Saturday? The last Saturday of exams? Oh well, at least its almost over.Next semester I managed to scedule all of my classes on one day. ONE day! How sweet is that? Good luck finishing up your exams!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Good Times

I just started my 24 hour Family Law exam...and I'm already blogging. Probably not a good thing.

But in good news.................I PASSED the MPRE. I am utterly shocked. I thought the exam was so freaking hard. But I actually passed by more than 30 at least I don't have to take it again!

3 exams to go....then its Christmas Break! Good luck on exams!
