Monday, January 30, 2006

This is certainly not a novel thought...but it is one that struck me while listening to the Ipod today. It's interesting how a song can truly take you back to another time...and make you remember things you had totally forgotten.

For example:
"You Look Wonderful Tonight" reminds me of prom...and my beauitiful red dress...and how much I still love the guy I went with.

"Patience" reminds me of the time during high school when I was desperate to get out of high school and to move forward with my relationship...

"I Hope You Dance" takes me back to my mother's funeral...sitting in the first pew....holding hands with my brother...and listening to my Dad tell us "Your mother would have wanted you to dance"

"The Song Remembers When" takes me back to a previous relationship...

"Valentine" takes me back to sophomore year of high school...sitting in my young and sweet

"She Is His Only Need" "I Would Have Loved You Anyway" songs that remind me of my parents

"Eye of the Tiger" takes me to freshman year of high school...when my basketball coach told me "You truly have the eye of the tiger"

"Wind Beneath My Wings" is truly my mother

"Holes In the Floor of Heaven" is the song i will dance to at my wedding with my father

and there are so many more.....

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Con Law Prof on Friday talking about the Commerce Clause:

"It's like a fat man at a buffet...there's just no capacity for control there."


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ethics quote of the day:

I love the Constitution...but I love me more!
Malice Aforethought: If you get straight D's in law school LexisNexis will still hire you.

I simply must agree with this post--except I would change it to Westlaw...last night I printed a bunch of stuff from my apartment to the Westlaw printer in the library.
When I stopped to pick it up this morning I couldn't find it was not in the stacks alphabetically like it normally is. After looking around for like 10 minutes I finally realized the mistake...they had written my name down as "Jennifer." This might be understandable if my name was even close to Jennifer...but my name is only five letters and doesn't even start with a J!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Sometimes vindication springs up unexpectedly....

Remember the guy who was making the inappropriate remarks throughout the first week of class this semester? Well today he raises his hand to ask the Property Prof "What about those goofy old brods who leave everything to their cats?" The Prof responded...I don't think it is appropriate to refer to women as brods.

Thank you.

In response to Legally Blonde's Humpday Mind Fuck,

1. boyshorts....unless I have a hot date ;)
2. In the local national park...while sitting on a fallen tree...on a walking trail
3. I problem cause its not that high...and I've been with the same guy for a very long time

Tuesday, January 24, 2006's official...just in case you weren't sure before...I am a dork. The most recent affirmation of this is the fact that I am setting my alarm for 20 minutes early tomorrow so that i can take a shower and dry my hair before that I can watch the final installment of the Pride and Prejudice marathon on A&E uninterrupted.


Friday, January 20, 2006

Now, there was never much doubt that I am absolutely undeniably NOT a gold digger in any sense of the is clearly shown by all of my relationships with members of the opposite sex.

However...I am once again convinced that there is no way I could ever marry for money. Once when I was younger out of the blue my mother looked at me and said, "Do not EVER marry for money." These words have always stuck in my head...even though I was pretty young then...and have influenced my choices...often for the good I think.

Now this sudden reaffirmation of my beliefs stems from the article in People magazine about Donald and Melania Trump. In case you have been living in a hole and didn't know....Melania is pregnant. In the article Trump says he plans to be very hands off in the parenting department and will not be seen pushing a baby stroller...or even in the delivery room. was this comment that really got my ire. When asked if he ever brings his wife coffee in bed he said No...because I don't think its my job. WHAT?!?

Thank you Donald for reaffirming my mother's warning...I will not marry for money.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

OK, I know that I am heading into a profession that most outside people dislike at best and think we belong at the bottom of the cess pool at worst (maybe). Obviously I don't agree with these assessments...but sometimes I can see where their opinions might stem from

For example, I'm not sure if this is a universal kind of thing...but at my law school we have law caucuses. Now that might sound like something educational...but its actually just Thursday night group alcohol binging at the local bar. Now I have absolutely nothing against this fact I may attend tonight...but I can see how the practice of calling Thursday night binge drinking a "law caucus" might seem...shall we say...a bit pretentious to those not in law school.

Just a thought.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ok, just some random thoughts for today (cause that is so different from normal):

1. I really perfer when the Profs hand out a syllabus with the intended reading for each class already predetermined. Now granted I complain when they stray from the plan...but that is much better than just traveling blindly through the semester and being slammed with a HUGE assignment with only a 24 hour gap.

2. I have a thing for colored pens...I am like some degree of obsessed with them. I take notes on the computer--but I handwrite my different colors so the end result is a rainbow of ink. (Yes...I am a giant dork :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Well, today I sort of figured out how to add links to my blog. I say "sort of" because only half of the links I added are actually showing up....even though they all look the same on the template. Another example of why I LOVE computers...but if anyone has any advice I would appreciate the help. :)

In terms of law school thoughts...first of all Con Law may be the most boring and confusing subject ever...and that is saying a lot since I sat though Geology "Rocks for Jocks" second semester of my senior year of undergrad. However, I am also concerned about Professional responsibility--it seems so obvious...but people keep telling me how it was one of thier hardest classes ever...great.

Furthermore...what exactly is the point in torturing us by not posting grades? What exactly were the professors doing over break? and why not post the grades online instead of creating one giant mess as people try to look at a single posting on a bulletin board. Furthermore...I would much rather learn the news...whether good or the comfort of my own apartment rather than in a hallway with 100 other overanxious 1Ls.

Finally, my last thought for the day is: Do not brush your hair in class. There is something about watching the girl in front of me brush her hair in the middle of a lecture and watching strands of hair drift onto my table that disturbs me...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Ok, so maybe I'm stuck on the things people say in class that amuse me...but after four days of class and four days of amusing remarks I cannot help myself. Today in Professional Responsibility we were discussing the right of the bar application review board to review medical records and issues surrounding the mental health of applicants.

In response, a girl raised her hand and said she was very disturbed by the idea that potential future colleagues had access to her medical records and could potentially review her gynocological records. She the proceeded to pause.....and then say, "not that there is anything wrong with my gynocological records."

All I can say is priceless...simply priceless.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Sometimes it is worth going to class just to hear the things people say out loud, in front of the entire class, and to the Professor. I am always amazed at the things people come out with.

For example, last semester we had a case in Crim Law involving a man and a prostitute. Now if I had been asked to describe the facts, I think I would have said something like, "The man met a prostitute in an alley and was unable to perform. When the woman laughed at him, he attacked her. She responded by kicking him so he killed her."

In contrast, the guy who was actually called on replied, "A man met a hooker in an alley and couldn't get it up. She laughed at him, so he attacked her. She kicked him in the balls, so he killed her." The whole class cracked up...including the teacher.

However, today's comment takes the cake for me. A guy who sits near the front of class and frequently raises his hand in other classes to make somewhat inappropriate comments was called on today, and the Professor explained she had called on him because he had made a sudden movement that had caught her eye. In response, he told her "I don't mind being called on...I am an attention whore." The Prof just looked at him while the class cracked up.

Update: The day following this posting the same kid raised his hand once again in Professional Responsibility in response to a hypothetical about a question on the application to the Iowa Bar Exam over whether the applicant had used recreational drugs in the past three years. His response was, "I would just say I didn't inhale...It worked before." He then went on to comment, "Besides, what makes a difference, One out of every two people in Iowa make crystal meth anyway." This elicited laughter...especially when the Prof reminded him that another Law Prof is acually from Iowa. Unfazed, the kid responded, "Why don't you ask him how he responded on the questionnaire."

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Well....second semester starts Monday...and i already have over 100 pages to read for Monday and Tuesday...Lucky me. Its looking like i will have nicer teachers this semester...but more boring classes. I know...sounding like so much fun. Anyway..I should stop complaining. However... i cannot seem to get myself back into school mode after break, so things are not looking good right now.

In other news...break was great. I didn't really do anything amazingly fun...but it was so nice just to be away from here, and not to have classes, and not to have that little voice telling me I should be doing homework all the time. to bed.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to my new blog. I decided to start writing here because I like to read other blogs by law students (especially Barely Legal) and I think its an interesting way to record the experience. I am just about to start my second semester of my first year of law of course I am completely freaked about my impending grades and the upcoming semester.

In terms of other information that is potentially interesting about me is I am a 23 year old female with a strong support system...even though they live an hour away.

Anyway...this is my blog and I will probably be posting almost every stay tuned for more info :)