Thursday, December 07, 2006


So my multiple choice exam on Tuesday from the Prof that everyone claims is SOOOO easy?

I may have failed. and yes...I am the type to spaz out...but really...i may have failed.

Do I quit law school if I fail this class? No one is going to hire me even if I stay and graduate if I have an F on my transcript.

Not a happy camper right now.




The Namby Pamby said...

look at it this way: if the prof thinks its easy and you think its hard, everyone else is almost certainly in the same boat as you.

And law school grades are curved. When everyone gets 48%, it becomes an A.

You're money. no worries.

V J.D. said...

Yeah, quit being so dramatic. 90% of the jobs out there don't care about your grades.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, quit being so dramatic. 90% of the jobs out there don't care about your grades.

I suppose if one has the words "Harvard" or "Yale" or "Chicago" on their law degree, yeah, grades don't matter. I suppose if one does not want to apply for jobs that are competative, sure, grade don't matter. Several thousand law students are set to graduate this year and next and the year after that not to mention the thousands who gradauted last year. If someone tells you grades don't matter, they are lying to you.