Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gag Me....It's Bigfoot!

So I get Sports Illustrated. Not for B, not for my Dad, and not for my brother. For me. Cause I like it. (I also happen to like SportsCenter.) BUT...I don't love getting the swimsuit issue. Cause I need the self esteem boost that looking at perfectly airbrushed women in bikinis...(or less) the middle of winter gives me. But I digress.

So I'm flipping through the issue....and I come to the Burt Reynolds ad from Direct TV. and he's his hairy gloriness....with his hand between his legs. Now I'm not one to judge body hair....but whoa. I could have used a little warning. and somehow I'm sure the guys "reading" this issue loved it too.



E. McPan said...

I gave up my subscription when, the first week after the Stanley Cup finals a few years ago, all the game got was a little headline at the top. The cover picture went to baseball or something else like that.

Well, and the free gift for resubscribing was a t-shirt in XL or larger. Way too big.

angela said...


By the way, I love SportsCenter, too. :)

Anonymous said...

I've spent the past 30 minutes procrastinating my reading and checking out your blog. I am a senior in UG and starting 1L in August. Your posts make me laugh because they sound a lot like me. I'm going to give my boyfriend the link and tell him to prepare himself for what I'll be like. :) Thanks for the fun reading and the good insight.

And PS. one of your blogs talks about showing up to exams wearing makeup....I can't focus if I'm in raggety old clothes and sweats. I HAVE to get ready, I don't know how people do it. ew.
Thanks again :)

prettylawchick said...

I couldn't post on your site cause I don't have a live journal...but if you need any advice or anything I can help with next year don't hesitate to leave a comment or shoot me an email. Good luck!!
