Thursday, August 09, 2007

Netflix or Blockbuster

So I've decided that I want to sign up for one of these mail a movie services this year. The pricing plans seem similar--but you pay about a dollar extra to be able to exchange them at the Blockbuster stores. Is this extra dollar worth it? And which plans do you guys have? I'm leaning towards the 2 at a time/unlimited per month plan. I'm not sure how long it takes to get another movie when you return a movie though.




angela said...

I've never used either, but my sister has Netflix, and she loves it. I don't know about the Blockbuster service, but Netflix has a lot of movies that are kind of hard to find.

e.g. - One day, I was looking for a film for a class project and after searching several Blockbuster stores in the nearby area, I ended up getting my sis to Netflix it for me.

buffalodawg said...

I have the $5.99 netflix plan and really enjoy it because I can get all the strange documentaries I like. Plus, they are really quick about mailing the new movies. I don't know how blockbuster works

Anonymous said...

i have blockbuster it is great. i haven't had any problems finding a movie i want online, and if i watch a movie on a friday night and want another one for that weekend i can easily drive down teh street and exchange rather than wait 3-4 days to mail in my return and get my new one. by then it is the middle of the week and i don't have time.

Anonymous said...

We use Blockbuster and exchange almost every movie we get at the store. A new pricing plan is going into effect and I believe that unlimited in-store rental exchanges will be a thing of the past.

The in-store option is nice when a movie has a wait online but is sitting on the shelf at your local store. Having said that, if the store isn't nearby you, you may never feel like bothering.

As an aside, I found your blog while digging around in law-related blogs.


prettylawchick said...

Thanks guys...I decided to give Blockbuster a shot. 2 movies are on the way--we'll see how it goes.

