Friday, March 03, 2006

I was thinking today about one of my old friends who graduated college recently. She was a December graduate this she is taking this semester off while she applies to grad school. That's right...she's not working, she's not moving back in with her parents, she is spending time playing house with her boyfriend and filling out grad school applications.

I hear stories about how she spends time going out, running errands, waiting for her boyfriend to get home, and going shopping. At first I was terribly jealous...I had initiall thought how nice it would be not to be under constant pressue with almost no time to do anything fun.

Then I realized this would never work for me. I read somewhere today that law students are "anal retentive fucks." I am not annoyed at this generalization, because as a law student I know its true. We are driven and competetive and cannot sit still. I would never be able to spend a semester jacking around like her. It's like when I was 16 and had the choice between spending the summer lying at the pool...or working 6 days a week. Of course...I chose to work...its just how we are.

Thanks Mom and Dad for teaching me to be that crazy obsessed law student who would never be able to take the semester off...I love you for it! :)

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