Thursday, January 18, 2007

Grey's Anatomy Writers Rock

because they get right to the heart of things and find ways to verbally express things I've felt for years...but could never find just the right words. When George's Dad died, he told Christina "I don't know how to live in a world without my Dad." and she responded "that never really changes."

I have felt that way for years...and I realize its never really going to go away.



Silly Little Law Student said...

I know exactly how you feel. I thought the same thing when I saw grey's tonight.

Even a decade doesn't change it.

Useless Dicta said...

Although I haven't yet dealt with the loss of a parent I totally agree...the Grey's writers hit so many emotions and complications of life right on the money. It's defnitely one of the best shows on TV right now!

Useless Dicta said...

Although I haven't yet dealt with the loss of a parent I totally agree...the Grey's writers hit so many emotions and complications of life right on the money. It's defnitely one of the best shows on TV right now!