Friday, January 12, 2007

Random Thought Swirling Around

1. Who are these people who are all like "i want snow. where's the snow?" Are you happy now? These people must have garages...because somehow when I'm outside freezing my butt off while i scrape my car windows at 8 in the morning Im not loving the snow.

2. Perhaps this is childish and petty....and I think it probably is....but I am somehow a little hurt that the person i consider to be my "best" friend at school chose not to sit next to me in the only class we have together. :(

3. We have ZERO grades out. Based on reading others' blogs we must be one of the last ones. Not that I really want to see my grades...but thats beside the point.

4. Thanks to all of those who offered advice on my schedule....I decided to drop Admin and take Labor Law...and so far i think it was the right decision.



angela said...

It might be a little childish and petty, but if it makes you feel any better, I was a little hurt when my best guy friend at law school didn't want to sit by me in one of our classes.

Oh, and I'm totally with you on the snow. I love the sun & hot weather.

Liz said...

Oooh. That really doesn't seem like a good sign, with the seating choice. When things like this happened to me, it always got worse. Law school friendships are weird. Sorry. I hope you find better friends. Or that this one is willing to work things out.