Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Glutton for Punishment

Despite the fact that I have been reguraly complaining about the ridiciclous amount of work I have this semester--including the 4 credit course that is actually 6 hours a week (GRRR!) that doesn't seem to be enough.

Something in my crazy little mind thinks it might be a good idea to take one of these part time jobs that are offered regurarly throughout the school year by career services.

The job would allow me to do all of the work from home--with the exception of having to drive a half hour out of the way twice per week to pick up the assignments.

Now I have no interest in this position as a potential springboard into a permanant position. In fact, I have little interest in this area of law.

However--it does pay ten dollars per hour. Which is $10 more per hour than I am making now.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should be like me! don't buy any textbooks - it'll force you not to do work, and i gotta tell you, it's an awesome feeling.