Sunday, September 23, 2007


I interviewed as a 1L for 2 summer clerkships. I got an offer for the summer from 1 of them--and worked there both first and second summers. Consequently, I totally missed OCI as a 2L.

I obviously had no idea what this entailed. I assumed I would get an offer from the firm I clerked at--and I did--but not exactly what I was hoping for. Sooo...I've started the interview process again. And wow--I had no idea how crazy it could be. The interviews are generally pretty similar (with one exception explained below). Go in, exchange pleasantries, tell a little about yourself, spend most of the time listening to them sell the firm to you. Its this part that I don't really understand. They don't really need to sell the firm to me...if I wasn't interested I wouldn't have applied with them. But hey, keeps me from having to fill the space with info about me. In general these interviews seemed to last 20-30 mins.

I also didn;t realize that you would often have to go to the "headquarters" even if you were applying to work at a satellite office. This is resulting in much much traveling at crazy hours. I NOT complaining--really. In fact, I'm quite excited about the whole thing. I guess I just wasn't preapred for all that OCI entails.

I did have one other interview that did not fit the mold. I interviewed with a district court judge. TOTALLY different. Many many more questions about myself. But, what I didn't realize was how many questions I would be expected to have and to pose. I clearly didn't have enough questions prepared and ended up having to struggle for questitons on the spot. Unfortunately, I woould have really liked to get the clerkship...but hopefully other good opportunities will arise.


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